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HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Palm Sunday: March 13, 10 am Maundy Thursday: March 17, 7:30 pm Good Friday: March 18, 7:30 pm Easter Prayer Vigil: March 19, 12noon-12pm Easter Sunday: March 20, 10 am

LENTEN WORSHIP THROUGH THE SENSES This series centers on our five senses as a way of exploring the significance of Christ’s incarnation throughout our Lenten journey. We all are made in the image of God, who chose to share our humanity by joining in our embodied experience. God’s image in us is beautifully diverse. Each service will include readings, songs, and sensory meditations that highlight a different sense each week. The services will be at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays with a potluck preceding at 6:00 p.m. Week 3: Scent - 3/25/25 Week 4: Touch - 4/1/25 Week 5: Taste - 4/8/25


This month we continue pondering the Third Gospel with its themes of reversal, prayer and joy. We are on Chapter 6 and each session we approach a specific passage with prayer, imagination, our own life experience and the intention of listening to Jesus with mind and heart. We would be delighted to have you share in this sacred journey and whatever Sunday mornings that work for you.

“SIGNIGICANT” BELCW 30th ANNUAL RETEAT April 25-27, at MICHINDOH CONFERENCE CENTER. The cost is $130, with $65 deposit with registration. The cost includes lodging, meals, and retreat materials. Contact Laura Halbakken at (517-281-3133) or Joanna Alvera at 517-388-1263) with any questions.


CAMP REGISTRATION Camp this year will be Week 4 of the camping season at Stony Lake, July 6-13. Week Four will host Explorers, grades 1-3 (Sun-Wed), Discoverers, grades 3-6, Challengers (Confirmation), grades 6-8, Servant Hearts, grades 9-12. Living Water Ministries is continuing their Welcome to All pricing where campers pay either full, half, or NO price, as they are able. Visit for more information and to register. (Click the Logo)

RUMMAGE SALE DATES Rummage Sale Set-up: 5/2/25 Rummage Donation Drop Off: 5/2-5/5 Dates for the Rummage Sale: 5/6-5/8

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