Most Outdoor Lounge Set is weatherproof, as of course is our pe rattan. However our pe rattan is also resistant to UV light and very easy to keep clean from normal day to day grime as well as spillages. Extreme heat will not warp this furniture’s joints, as is often a problem with wooden outdoor furniture. Pe rattan is flexible, comfortable, and versatile. No other outdoor furniture looks so tasteful inside too. Pe rattan is very lightweight yet robust. Add to this the stylish, fashionable and elegant look of our rattan garden furniture and we think you will agree this is the current outstanding product on the market.
Flexible Material
One of the main advantages of rattan is its flexible material. It can be weaved into a variety of shapes. Rattan's flexibility gives you, the consumer, numerous options when it comes to furnishing your space of choice
Take, for example, rattan chairs which can be square, round, cubed or any other shape that's practical. Rattan can also be shaped into daybeds, entire dining sets and much more. You'll have practically endless options when it comes to furnishing with rattan.
Keep in mind that rattan typically only comes in a select few colors, despite its many possible shapes. The most common colors tend to be neutral -- black, grey, white and brown. These neutral colors can typically blend in with most environments. That means no matter where you place your rattan garden furniture, it'll blend right in.
Versatile & Hardy
There is some rattan furniture still rattling around today from the 40s and 50s. It’s likely furniture that your grandparents purchased for their lanai. That furniture is still in great shape today. In fact, it’ll be in great shape for the next 50 years as long as someone is caring for it properly.
Outdoor rattan furniture that you purchase today can also last for generations. It can often last longer than furniture made with leather or wood. Rattan furniture can be used in various outdoor areas like the patio, but it’s also great indoors. The kitchen, bathroom, and a sun room are versatile places for rattan pieces.
Due to the fact that rattan is a sustainable material, it’s good for the environment. Instead of cutting down whole trees to get the materials for furniture, the manufacturer has harvesters that will cut down vines. Those vines grow back quickly.
Entire forests have to be cleared for wood for most furniture. Rattan harvesters can clear vines and pieces that allow for the forest to stay intact.
Easy to maintain
Rattan is easy to maintain, especially when compared to other wood furniture currently in the market. You don't need any fancy wood cleaner to ensure that your rattan furniture stays clean. Simply use a soft washcloth and regular dishwashing soap to clean as needed. You should also use a small brush to get at the little nooks and crannies that are difficult to clean with your washcloth.
Looking for high-quality, low-maintenance Rattan Corner Sofa ? Inshare Furniture(Zhejiang) Co., Ltd hopes that this information helps you to make an informed decision on your rattan garden furniture purchase. If you require more information, then please feel free to contact aInshare Furniture(Zhejiang) Co., Ltd or visit our site:
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