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Election Day Prayer Vigil


“Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)

November 8 is going to be momentous day in our nation. This has been an odd and contentious election cycle for President, to say the least. While we do not all agree on what candidate we think is the best person to lead our country, there are some things that we CAN agree on. The first is that, as Christians, we have a responsibility to vote. So please, do not stay home on Election Day. Go vote at your local precinct. Let your faith guide you. As one justified by grace through your trusting faith in what God has done for you, let your voice be heard. But that is not what this article is all about.

The second thing that we can all agree on is that we need to PRAY over this election. The Board of Congregational Care is planning an Election Day Prayer Vigil here at Bethlehem. The building will be open for prayer starting at 9:00 am on Tuesday, November 8, through the time the polls close at 8:00 pm. Much like the Easter Prayer Vigil, we will have prayer sheets available to guide your prayers. We will not be encouraging anyone to pray for a particular candidate. Our prayers will be for peace, wisdom, strength, clarity of mind for those voting, and for those elected.

Sign-up sheets will be available in the social hall for us to make sure that at least one person is praying constantly throughout the day, but feel free to come at any time. Come and pray before you vote, or come and pray afterwards. Either way we know that the prayers of the faithful are powerful and effective.

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